September 2025 -
Date to be announced


Complete full details of your entry, sign the declaration and return with entry fee.


Instructions, procedures, safety information and map.

Whenever you find 2 sailing boats of similar type you will normally find a race of some kind, local regattas have been going for hundreds of years, and Maldon Town Regatta is no exceotion.
When the promenade opened in 1895 a regatta was held to celebrate the event, and again in 1905 when the swimming lake was opened.
Although you won’t see Thames barges racing in today’s regatta, the 1936 the regatta included sailing barges competing for silvercups
In 1960 an all female crew won the Maldon Smack Race on Howard Built Polly MN12 built at the bottom of North Street in 1889 you will see her and some of her sisters still competing today.